RSV scores a coup in transferring US-player Steve Serio

Member of the US-nationalteam comes to Wetzlar next season
Steve Serio, 22-years-old member of the US-Nationalteam and MVP (Most Valuable Player) of this year´s College Championship in the States will wear the RSV jersey from this summer on. New York-born player of the University of Illinios is classified with 3.56 points.
„We were watching Steve for a couple years now and now it was time for the transfer“, RSV-Coach Nicolai Zeltinger comments the signing of the specially talented player.
Together with his teammate Mikey Paye Serio wants to be an important part in RSV´s roster next season. He is described as an outstanding talent in his sport with extraordinary skills in defending and shooting the ball.
After winning Thomas Böhme from Jena Steve Serio is the next part of the new team-puzzle of the German Champion from Wetzlar.

RSV-Magazin Defense