
Lahn-Dill takes the lead

Emotional 72:67-win in front of 1.400 visitors
RSV Lahn-Dill have won the first game of the best-of-three final series against Thuringia Bulls 72:67 (14:13/34:36/52:51) in front of 1.400 visitors, who almost all stayed afterwards to say goodbye to Joe Bestwick, Björn Lohmann and Nicolai Zeltinger, as they celebrated their last home game with their club.
The standing ovations lasted what seemed like forever after the final whistle, celebrating the first win in the series as well as the farewell of two players and the coach. Fans and players had tears in their eyes watching an emotional slideshow with highlight pictures of the last five years, or eleven years in the case of Nic Zeltinger.
This came after a highly dramatic game, started off perfectly by RSV with 8:2 (4th min) scored by Luszynski and Böhme. Only three minutes later Coach Zeltinger had to take the Pole off court after his second personal foul. Even though substitute Joe Bestwick filled in perfectly, but the opposition took advantage of the new situation and found better into the game.
They were able to catch up more at the start of the second quarter, despite Bestwick’s points and a three by Paye. They got to 18:19 (12th min) and went via 30:27 (17th min) to 32:29 (19th min). The fact that the gap only stayed small was down to Thomas Böhme, who scored from the free-throw line as well as from the three-point line.
After changeover the gap increased to 42:36 (22nd min) after two quick baskets by Raimund Beginskis. This was the start of RSV’s strongest phase. Böhme and Luszynski got the lead back at 48:46 (27th min), before the latter had to go off court again due to a cut in his finger, which wouldn’t stop bleeding.
But now the engine was rolling, and the score went via 52:49 (29th min) to 56:51 (31st min). Now the game went back and forth, without looking like it was going either way. Thuringia got close again at 56:57 (34th min), before RSV shot forwards again to 65:57 (35th min). The lead was decreased by two points, but in the end everyone was able to cheer for the first won game of the playoff series.
“We fought hard, and won three of the quarters. I hope we can be a bit more relaxed for the next game, there is still room for improvement.” said Zeltinger after the game. He gave special praise Böhme’s and Bestwick’s performances: “Tommy had a very strong game, and Joe gave us important new impulse. In the end it was the fans that pushed us to the win.”
Lahn-Dill: Thomas Böhme (23/2 Dreier), Piotr Luszynski (23), Joe Bestwick (10), Philipp Häfeli (8), Michael Paye (6), Jan Haller (2), Annabel Breuer, Dirk Köhler, Björn Lohmann, Nico Dreimüller (n.e.), Christopher Huber (n.e.).
Thüringen: Aliaksandr Halouski (21), André Bienek (16), Raimunds Beginskis (16), Joakim Linden (12), Jens Eike Albrecht (2), Benjamin Kenyon, Marcus Kietzer, Vanessa Erskine (n.e.).

RSV-Magazin Defense