
Coaching changes at RSV Lahn-Dill

Ralf Neumann takes over from Nicolai Zeltinger

RSV-Coach Nicolai Zeltinger will be handing over the reins to Assistant Coach Ralf Neumann for the upcoming season 2017/2018. The 45-year-old has won 21 titles in 11 years with his team, shaping the history of the club significantly.

“Leaving after such a long time on good terms is something to be happy about for both sides.” says Zeltinger realistically and emotionally: “I think it’s the right time, and we already have a competent, highly motivated and empathetic colleague waiting to start his new role, whose fresh impulses will be great for the team.” Ralf Neumann will take over in the summer, and is very much looking forward to his new role: “I feel honoured, and have a lot of respect for the task, working for the most successful wheelchair basketball club.”

“It may come as a surprise for outsiders, but for us it was the consequence of long-term planning. I have known Ralf for 30 years, and when we took him on board in 2012, we did this with the aim to turn a basketballer into a wheelchair-basketballer.” says RSV-manager Andreas Joneck about the change. “I have a lot of respect for Nic’s decision. This will be a big cut after eleven years, but we are well prepared.”

Zeltinger was already player-coach when RSV won their first German Championship in 1998, before taking over completely from Siggi Moertl in 2006. He has won eight German Championships since then, as well as nine DRS Cups, three Champions Cup titles, and the World Cup in 2010. “I want to say thank you for fantastic years with RSV, to the club and the team, and I’m proud that Ralf is now taking over.” says Zeltinger, admitting that the step is emotionally difficult. “There are always mixed feelings, the heart never feels it’s the right time.”

Ralf Neumann has joined RSV Lahn-Dill five years ago, and he has licenses for both basketball and wheelchair basketball. As a player as well as a coach he has gotten as far as the second division. “People who know me, know that I love aggressive basketball with a lot of fasbreaks.” says the new Head-Coach about himself, now looking for a new assistant coach with the club.

RSV-Magazin Defense