RSV celebrate comeback on international stage

62:45 Champions Cup win against Thuringia Bulls
After two defeats in a row in the German league, RSV have returned to their old selves in an international game. On day one of the IWBF Champions Cup quarter finals the hosting team beat RSB Thuringia Bulls 62:45 (19:7/29:20/49:32) after having had to swallow a bitter defeat against them only twelve days before.
Especially how they beat RSB after the last two defeats was a surprise for spectators as well as professionals. Around 1100 visitors came to watch the first two games of the tournament, first the exciting 73:71 match between French Champions Hyeres and Italian top-of-the-table team Porto Torres, and then a highly-focussed game from RSV Lahn-Dill.

After leading 6:5 (5th min), the RSV defence kept getting tighter and tighter, so that Thuringia had to look for solutions, which they didn’t seem to find. After the first quarter, they had only scored seven points, which meant that their furious counteraction in the second quarter did RSV hardly any harm. The Bulls got closer at 25:20 (17th min), but two successful baskets for RSV got a comfortable 9-point-lead at half time and the necessary mental strength for the second half.

The third quarter set the base for the high win, as now the offence was working as well as the defence. “We had an incredibly strong defence today, representing the team’s determination to erase the defeats of the last two weeks.” said Zeltinger relieved after the game: “Annabel definitely had her best game for our team today, and we have also seen how important Phillip is for us, when he’s well.” In the last quarter, RSV pushed the score to 57:36 (34th min), before RSB could polish off the score a little bit at least, though without becoming a threat for RSV’s win.

Lahn-Dill: Michael Paye (21), Piotr Luszynski (19), Thomas Böhme (10), Joe Bestwick (6), Philipp Häfeli (6), Nico Dreimüller, Jan Haller, Annabel Breuer, Dirk Köhler, Björn Lohmann, Christopher Huber (n.e.).

Thüringen: Aliksandr Halouski (17), Raimund Beginskis (8), Joakim Linden (8), Vahid Gholamazad (4), André Bienek (2), Teemu Partanen (2), Jens-Eike Albrecht, Vanessa Erskine, Benjamin Kenyon, Marcus Kietzer.

RSV-Magazin Defense