
RSV II without a chance

Clear 57:82-defeat against table-seconds
RSV Lahn-Dill II have been taken apart by Roller Bulls St. Vith with a final score of 57:82 (15:25/31:43/44:64). The team had to play without Felix Schell and Nico Dreimueller, but still presented a courageous performance despite having no chance against their opposition’s high number of rebounds.
“Of course, we can’t be happy with this result, but we still delivered a solid performance.” said Coach Daniel Stange after the game. “We had to compensate for two of our main scorers, and were still able to drop our points-average only slightly – that says a lot about our offence.”
Until the 10:10 (5th min) score RSV still held against the hosting team, before Pieter Dries started a run for his team with a successful three-point-play, leading to 10:19 (8th min). But RSV bounced back, and found ways to pressure the Bulls more under their basket.
At 25:31 (14th min) after two baskets by Zwerger, RSV were on an eye-to-eye level again with the top team from St. Vith, who in turn upped their game through centre Christophe van Houcke, getting his team a comfortable lead. At 26:39 (16th min) the Belgians had put their lead in the double figures again, and they kept that distance after changeover as well.
RSV II did not give up though, and kept this distance until the 42:57 (27th min) score. The Bulls then shot off with an 8:0-run, leading to an impossible gap of 44:70 in the 33rd minute. Wetzlar got themselves into some great positions still, but the intense match noticeably took its toll on the team. They missed some easy points in the final phase of the game, which could have slightly corrected the harsh final score.
St. Vith: Nazif Comor (22), Philippe Minten (14), Christoph van Houcke (10), Bart Nulens (8), Pieter Dries (7), Mounir Moujoud (6), Quoc Binh Pho (5), Jamaa Saadi (4/1 Dreier), Juan Bernal (2), Timothy de Vos (2), Stefan Veithen.
Lahn-Dill: Johannes Hengst (19), Christopher Huber (16/1), Marco Zwerger (12), Anna-Maria Müller (7), Marian Kind (2), Sebastian Arras (1).

RSV-Magazin Defense