
Sovereign but unglamourous performance in Bonn

83:42-success in former German Capital

Current top of the table team RSV Lahn-Dill were able to stay without defeat this past Saturday in their game against ASV Bonn. In the 83:42 (17:7/34:18/58:31) game they did get the win in the former German Capital, but they did so without being able to shine.

RSV only seemed to find into the game against the young and well equipped team after changeover. Only with the necessary pressure and a strong defence did they finally become successful. Joe Bestwick and Thomas Boehme were the main scorers of the game with combined 53 points.

“The strain of the last weekend was definitely noticeable” said Head Coach Nicolai Zeltinger after the game, in which his team suffered more than he would have liked to see. Still, in the first quarter the team started building up their lead, starting off with two free-throws by Joe Bestwick (6:5, 7th min). The game went via 19:7 (11th min) scored by Captain Michael Paye to a 25:12 lead in the 15th minute and only a little later to 32:16 (18th min) after a three-point-play by Swiss Phillip Hafeli.

Despite the score, the fans who had travelled to Bonn to support their team noisily, did not get to watch the smoothest of all games. Their team was too easily thrown off balance by the hosts, the ball has been lost a few times under the ASV basket, and passes were misjudged.

Only after changeover this seemed to get better. RSV built up the pressure and were now able to get the ball more often, and seemed to be enjoying the game more finally. The offence was carried by Bestwick, Boehme and Hafeli. The British Centre scored mainly from the middle distance, whilst tried to find his way under the basket, and should it not have been free, Swiss newbie Hafeli took over successfully.

The 40:25 (24th min) scored by U22-National Player Marcel Gerber was soon changed to 48:31 (27th min), starting off a 29:8-run for the guests. Via 58:31 (30th min) and 69:37 (36th min) did the score soon show 77:39 in the 38th minute after a successful attempt by Thomas Boehme. The hosting team started to show their exhaustion now, struggling against the RSV-pressure. In the end Hoffmann and Bestwick got a double-double with 15 points and 11 rebounds, and 27 points and 14 rebounds respectively.

“Our defence worked. But we should have concentrated more on our own game.” said Zeltinger after the game, but praising Topscorer Joe Bestwick’s performance. Next Sunday the team will be playing against Munich in the last home game of the year 2016, before playing away in the DRS-Cup quarterfinal in Wiesbaden.
Bonn: Oliver Hoffmann (15), Hannfrieder Briel (6), Sven Fischer (6), Marcel Gerber (5/1 Dreier), Sören Müller (4), Falk Osterhammel (4), Miriam Palm (2), Marc Hermanns, Joel Schaake.
Lahn-Dill: Joe Bestwick (27), Thomas Böhme (26), Philipp Häfeli (16), Michael Paye (8), Dirk Köhler (4), Jan Haller (2), Annabel Breuer, Nico Dreimüller, Björn Lohmann.

RSV-Magazin Defense