Joe Bestwick will stay in Germany

Briton extends contract until Summer 2017
Centre Joe Bestwick will stay faithful to 12-fold German Champions RSV Lahn-Dill. The British National Player signed his new contract at the start of the week until summer 2017, which will be his 5th season with the Wetzlar Rollis. 
The 31-year-old came to RSV in Summer 2012 after having played for Wolverhampton Rhinos, and has won the German title and the DRS Cup three times each, as well as the Euro Cup in 2015. The Centre from Loughborough is currently hoping for a spot in the National Team for the Paralympics in Rio de Janeiro. 

"We're very happy to have Joe with us for another year, he's not just a fantastic team player, but also a role model professional athlete away from the court." says RVS-manager Andreas Joneck about the new contract. Joe Bestwick sees his nearer future in Germany as well: "I feel very happy and comfortable here in Hesse, it's not just the job that adds to that."
RSV-Magazin Defense