
RSV-offence like a Swiss clockwork

91:50 success against Cologne 99ers
The final score of this past weekend’s game was a definite one. RSV Lahn-Dill won 91:50 against bottom-of-the-table team Cologne 99ers with 91:50 (21:8/48:22/67:36). The team showed off a great offence, whilst Cologne managed to show their guests where they were still lacking defensively. RSV Head Coach Zeltinger annoyingly had to live with 4 threes by US-American Jamie Mazzi, but even these ponts did not keep his team from slipping down to the last spot of the table.
„Cologne don’t have a bad team, but they had a rough start into the season, and now it is difficult to catch up.” Said Zeltinger after the game, who registered his team’s deficits in the defense, but was happy to see their great offense. Especially after changeover his team worked together like a Swiss clockwork, scoring over 74 per cent. The score went via 2:2 (1st min) past 9:4 (4th min) to an early 25:8 (11th min). Zeltinger got his team to rotate quite a bit, first with Haller and Schell and later with Annabel Breuer and Joe Bestwick.
This made it difficult for Cologne to adapt to their opponent’s offense. Seven points by Captain Michael Paye were followed in the second quarter by 12 points by Joe Bestwick against his old team. The teams went into half time with 48:22. Serio opened after changeover with a three, which triggered his US-colleague to score four threes between the 26th and 33rd minute and therefore polishing his team’s score off slightly. But this did not shake their guests. 38 against 23 rebounds and overall 34 assists showed their strength very obviously. As well as top scorer Mazzi, Australian John McPhail had a good game for the 99ers. For RSV Schell and Koehler got 8 rebounds each, and Bestwick, Paye and Boehme scored 61 points.
 Köln: Jamie Mazzi (14/4 Dreier), John McPhail (12), Frederic Jäntsch (6), Ramo Rekanovoc (6), Patrick Richter (6), Kathleen O´Kelly-Kennedy (4), Gabriel Kasapoglu (2). 
Lahn-Dill: Joe Bestwick (23), Thomas Böhme (19), Michael Paye (19), Dirk Köhler (9), Felix Schell (8), Steve Serio (7/1), Marco Zwerger (4), Jan Haller (2), Annabel Breuer, Björn Lohmann. 

RSV-Magazin Defense