
The tickets are booked for Giulianova

Wins No 3 and 4 in Porto Torres

RSV have booked their tickets to EuroLeague. Their third win this weekend in Sardinia was already enough to qualify early for the tournament that will take place from the 1st to the 3rd of May in Giulianova, Italy. The 99:41 win over Padua Millenium Baskets was then followed by a 71:41 win over Israel Champions Beit Halochem Tel Aviv.

Padua Millenium Baskets – RSV Lahn-Dill  41:99 (10:21/23:45/35:70)

Michael Paye and his team got their qualification for Giulianova in an invulnerable game against the Northern Italians from Padua. They only just missed the 100 points in their 99th international game, and mainly responsible for that awesome number were Captain Michael Paye and his British team mate Joe Bestwick, who both scored 27 points each for their team. Another one with a good game was youngster Nico Dreimueller, who had his EuroLeague I premiere scoring eight points in 20 minutes.

Padua: Jaime Mazze (15/3 threes), Mohamed Bargo (10), Jonathan Hall (7), Darren Greenfield (4), Nicola Favretto (2), Stefano Scantamburlo (2), Mattia Faccioli (1), Gianluca Farinello.

Lahn-Dill: Joe Bestwick (27), Michael Paye (27), Thomas Böhme (14), Steve Serio (11), Nico Dreimüller (8), Felix Schell (8), Jan Haller (4), Annabel Breuer, Christopher Huber, Björn Lohmann, Marco Zwerger, Dirk Köhler (n.e.).

Beit Halochem Tel Aviv – RSV Lahn-Dill  41:71 (16:25/24:44/39:63)

In their 100th international game RSV Lahn-Dill won against Israel’s Champions Tel Aviv. As the Tickets to Giulianova were already booked, Zeltinger took advantage of the situation to get all his players on court. Especially before half-time their offence was strong, which died down a little after change-over. Nevertheless, the win was theirs and the qualification was won at the top of the group. “We did a great job here laying the path for EuroLeague. We can go home with a good feeling.” said Zeltinger about the weekend on Sardinia.

So now RSV Lahn-Dill can start planning for the weekend of the 1st-3rd of May in Giulianova. The other qualification went to hosting team GSD Porto Torres after their win over CS Meaux.

Tel Aviv: Avi Ben Simhon (14), Roei Rozenberg (10), Roy Fein (5), Liran Levy (5), Torner Sason (4), Barak Hatzor (2), Tal Yamin (1), Moran Samuel, Moshe Tabshi, Zion Yakov (n.e.),

Lahn-Dill: Joe Bestwick (17), Thomas Böhme (12),Michael Paye (12), Steve Serio (12), Jan Haller (8), Nico Dreimüller (4), Felix Schell (4), Marco Zwerger (2), Annabel Breuer, Christopher Huber, Björn Lohmann, Dirk Köhler (n.e.).

RSV-Magazin Defense