
Paralympics in Sotschi with Mina Mojtahedi

Dreams of medalling sadly burst
Not only threefold Gold-medallist in alpine ski-racer Anna Schaffelhuber will have had a lot of emotional moments in Sotschi, but also former RSV-player Mina Mojtahedi will return home to Helsinki with impressive memories. She has been playing for the Wetzlar team from 2010 until 2012 and won the DRS-Cup, the German Championship, the World Cup as well as the Champions Cup in that time, and now has been part of the Finnish Curling national team at the Winter-Paralympics that finished last weekend.
After leaving Middle Hesse the now 40-year-old has discovered a new passion: Curling. She took part in the Winter-Paralympics in Sotschi. “When I returned home after leaving RSV a friend asked me if I fancied having a go at Curling. And shortly after I found myself taking part in the Winter-Olympics. This is really incredible.” says the likeable Finn, who was considered one of the best female 1.0-pointers in the world. “Basketball and Curling could not be any more different, but my experience in professional training at the University of Illinois and later with RSV Lahn-Dill helps me a lot. Most of all when it comes to coordination and focussing on a goal.”
The goal at the Paralympics was to medal. “We wanted to get ourselves into a good position in the nine group-games and if possible become one of the first four teams. The main goal was getting to the medal-games.” Sadly those dreams did not come true, but being part of the Paralympics will still have been a great experience for our former Number 4.

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