
RSV Lahn-Dill have returned to Europe

Pure enthusiasm in the game against Rhinos
RSV are back in Europe! The fivefold champions have had a great comeback to the international court after a very disappointing Champions Cup in the last season. In the fourth game within two days the Wetzlar team was brimming over with enthusiasm and celebrated a great 86:46 (21:10/43:20/68:30) win with 850 spectators.
Cheered on by the SWG dragon Fabius, the OBI beaver, the AVC Angels as well as the impressive Golden Spirit Cheerleaders the team put another 40 powerful minutes onto the court of August-Bebel-Sporthalle and dominated the game against the British Super League runner-ups right from the start of the game.
“This great performance was most of all dedicated to our fans, who came to our games despite the great summer weather, and who should not be disappointed after tonight.” says coach Nicolai Zeltinger happily after the game, relieved and looking forward to the Champions Cup from the 2nd until the 4th of May in Madrid.
The other team accompanying RSV Lahn-Dill, who got a lot of praise by IWBF for hosting the event, will be Hyeres Handi Basket. The ticket to Andre-Vergauwen-Cup went to Wolverhampton Rhinos, who came out ahead of Sassari and Padua.
The great performance by RSV Lahn-Dill was also reflected in the choice of the Allstar-team, as both Michael Paye and Thomas Boehme have been picked. Also part of the team are Mark Fosbrook from Wolverhampton, Sassari’s Claudio Spanu as well as Nicolas Jouanserre from Hyeres.
Lahn-Dill: Michael Paye (23), Steve Serio (22), Dirk Köhler (17), Thomas Böhme (13/1 Dreier), Joe Bestwick (11), Annabel Breuer, Jan Haller, Björn Lohmann, Felix Schell, David Amend (n.e.), Christopher Huber (n.e.), Marco Zwerger (n.e.). 
Wolverhampton: Philip Pratt (14), Steven Ross (10), Charles Fryer-Stevens (8), Paul McKillop (8), Emmanuel Filson, Darren Greenfeld (2), Jonathan Hall (2), Jordan Luce (2), Jordan Bright, Mark Fosbrook. 

RSV-Magazin Defense