
RSV-New Year’s-event at Modehaus Koehler

Around 150 guests accepted the invitation of the German Champions
Never have this many people come to the RSV-New Year’s-event. Around 150 guests of the RSV-family accepted the invitation and came to Modehaus Koehler at their premises in Seltersweg, Giessen. 
Sebastian Mende hosted the event on stage, and the two RSV-managers Ludwig Vordemfelde and Andreas Joneck were not only able to welcome many sponsors and media representatives, but also district president Dr Lars Witteck and Wetzlar mayor Manfred Wagner.
The event turned into a great evening with brilliant food, exciting talks within the RSV Lahn-Dill network, a highly interesting talk about tactics by Nicolai Zeltinger, as well as contact to the players, and medical and technical advisors.
The Modehaus Koehler have been founded in 1924 in Giessen, and have by now opened branches in Fulda, Kassel, and Giessen and employ around 115 people. The gentleman’s outfitters display on over 2.000 square meters and have been RSV-Gold partners for many years. They have equipped the club with high-class products every year. More information about Koehler here
The January RSV-sponsor event has taken place 18 times now. The team and their associates were guests to die interaktiven, Fashion and More, footpower, Golf-Park Winnerod, Hotel Mercure, Knorz Buerosysteme, Neils & Kraft, private practices, Rittal Arena, Sparkasse Wetzlar, Stadtwerke Giessen, Taschs Wirtshaus, T-Shirt Line Hildebrand, Volksbank Mittelhessen and Wetzlar Neue Zeitung. 

RSV-Magazin Defense