US-American now driving Ford Focus
Serio has landed safe and sound in the end of August returning from his home-town New York City to start his second engagement with fivefold Champions-Cup-winners RSV Lahn-Dill. Thanks to sponsoring partners Auto Weller from Muenchholzhausen the 26-year-old is now mobile again. The hand-controlled pitch-black Ford Focus, converted by RSV-partners Gross, gets the US-national player around Middle Hesse.
“Ford Weller moves the region” is the fitting Ford Weller-slogan, as they are also partners of HSG Wetzlar and many other athletes and sports in the area. The hand-over took place at the new Ford Weller offices, where Anna-Lisa Weller handed over the keys to Steve Serio and RSV-manager Andreas Joneck.
Other players in the team who are already contented drivers of Weller’s Ford Focus are captain Michael Paye, centre Joe Bestwick and national player Thomas Boehme. So paying attention to cars driving by is worthwhile, as the chances are high to spot one of the ten eye-catching RSV Lahn-Dill-cars driving from/to August-Bebel-Sporthalle, the Bundesliga-offices or one of the many RSV-partners.