
Robotic lady Bina48 visiting the Interaktiven

Panel discussion with Joe Bestwick and Dirk Koehler
The Movie Festival „ueberall dabei“ („paticipating everywhere“) by Aktion Mensch (a German lottery funded social organisation promoting inclusion) stopped again in Wetzlar, as it has done in previous years, and finished last Wednesday with the movie „Blind“. RSV Lahn-Dill and their Premium Partner „die.interaktiven“ are both patrons of this year’s festival and have been involved in this year’s tour. „die.interaktiven” were also partners for the well acclaimed movie „Mensch 2. – Die Evolution in unserer Hand“  („Human 2.0 – Evolution in our hands“), which already ran on the 11th of March. Now our Premium Partners are inviting this Saturday at six o’clock pm to their office, to meet the only humanoid Robot lady worldwide, Bina48. 
Bina48 is a reproduction of Bina Rothblatt. The American is one of the developers and model for the humanoid robot lady. Joe Bestwick and Dirk Koehler from RSV Lahn-Dill will also be among the guests and take part in a panel discussion talk about their lives with a high-tech prosthetic. Their team doctor and orthopaedic Petra Michel-Leutheuser will also be there and join the discussion. 
The movie „Mensch 2.0“ is a documentary about the future of technology. What is the human? Will he be a machine in the future? What is awareness and what is artificial intelligence? The directors Alexander Kluge and Basil Gelpke deal with these questions in their movie and visit robotics, neurologists and doctors. 
The movie festival „ueberall dabei“ by Aktion Mensch presents from September 2012 until May 2013 movies in 40 German cities, that deal with the topic inclusion, the natural living together of people with and without disabilities. Patron of the German-wide festival is crooner Guildo Horn, it takes place for the fifth time now and is the biggest of its kind in Europe. 
You can find more information about the festival and our Premium Partners under and respectively. 

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