
RSV mourns the loss of Marion Schwarz

The RSV Lahn-Dill grieve for Marion Schwarz, who died suddenly and unexpectedly on the 20th of October at the age of 64.
As secretary to the board of the Wheelchair Sports Club Lahn-Dill e.V. she has been a member since 1986 and therefore was a forming part of it. Furthermore she was a passionate supporter of the Wheelchair-Basketball team and hardly missed any matches in the last decade. Marion Schwarz died on the morning of the Bundesliga-Classic between RSV Lahn-Dill and RSC-Rollis Zwickau, to which she was looking forward to on Friday night.
The management as well as the team will miss her lovely and helpful nature and do not only lose a loyal fan but most of all a good friend. Our sympathy is with her family.
The service and following ceremony of committal will take place on Friday, 26th of October at 14.00 o’clock at the New Cemetery Wetzlar.  

RSV-Magazin Defense