“RSV-Six” return from Nazareth

German Nationalteam only lost to Italy – Reunion with Bruce Enns
European Champion Italy kept a clean sheet at the international tournament at Nazareth and so Team Germany finished second at Israel. There were six teammates from RSV Lahn-Dill contributing their part to the success: The four players Thomas Gundert, Dirk Köhler, Thomas Böhme and Jan Haller with  national-coach Nicolai Zeltinger and team doctor Petra Michel-Leutheuser.
On the german bench, assisting Nicolai Zeltinger, was sitting for the first time an old friend of the RSV family: The Canadian Bruce Enns was Assistant-Coach for Zeltinger with the RSV team during the 2009/2010 season. The 66-year old completes the Coaching-Staff of Team Germany.
After beating Israel and the Netherlands and only losing a close 60:61 to Italy the german team advanced into the semifinal. There it was again Israel who was beaten by 63:44 before Italy was waiting again in the final. The European Champion was held close to a loss until halftime but during the second half the italian routine made the difference to a 61:52 for the southern-european team.
Dirk Passiwan scored 101 points altogether for Germany.  Dirk Köhler scored 27 points, his teammates from Wetzlar Thomas Böhme, Jan Haller and Thomas Gundert made 19, 13 and six points.

RSV-Magazin Defense