
RSV Lahn-Dill beats Bordeaux

Souvereign win against hosting team in France

With a 90:64 (24:15/46:30/69:42) success over the hosting team from EVMC Bordeaux RSV started well into the first round of the EuroLeague..
"Ours trong defense gave us a great start into the game and we showed a good transation. 29 team-assists speak a clear language in zhis case", resumed RSV-Coach Nicolai Zeltinger.
Bordeaux: Philippe Baye (18/4 Dreier), Abou Konate (17/2), Manu Antunes (15), Sylvain Deregnaucourt (7/1), Lakhdar Badache (2), Frank Greveldinger (2), Brahim Zaghlal (2), Thierry Houard (1), Gerome Eyquen, Pascal Zordan.
Lahn-Dill: Michael Paye (25), Dirk Köhler (18), Richard Peter (16), Marco Zwerger (12), Joey Johnson (11), Felix Schell (4), Patricia Cisneros (2), Gesche Schünemann (2), Thomas Gundert.
results / EuroLeague 1, Gruppe C:
Freitag: EVMC Bordeaux – RSV Lahn-Dill 64:90, Aldasa AMFIV Vigo – Lottomatica Elecom Rom 62:95.
RSV-Magazin Defense