The RSV Lahn-Dill 2009/2010 official team-photo

The official team-picture was shot these days in cooperation with our partners "Mediashots Werbefotografie" and "Werbeagentur Kodex".
RSV Lahn-Dill, back from left to right: Sebastian Block, Manager Andreas Joneck, Managementmember Sven Köppe, Co-Trainer Florian Leutheuser, Trainer Nicolai Zeltinger, Co-Trainer Bruce Enns, Managementmember Jörg Fink, Teamdoctor Petra Michel-Leutheuser; midlle row l. to r.: Technician Harald Webelsiep, Thomas Gundert, Gesche Schünemann, Dirk Köhler, Felix Schell, Joey Johnson, Kai Gerlach, Physiotherapist Nadin Block; front from l. to r.: Marco Zwerger, Richard Peter, Michael Paye, Patricia Cisneros, Jan Kampmann.

RSV-Magazin Defense