At the french Atlantic coast the teams from Istanbul, Rome, Vigo and Bordeaux will wait for Wetzlar
As it is tradition, this last September weekend the drawing for the IWBF-Europe leagues for the forthcoming season was held. In EuroLeague I the RSV Lahn-Dill travels from March 12th-14th 2010 to Bordeaux, France. There the team from Wetzlar has to deal with its opponents from Besiktas Istanbul, Lottomatica Elecom Rome, Aldasa AMFIV Vigo and the hosting team EVMC Bordeaux. The team that will finish this group 1st or 2nd will be qualified for the final-round of the European Champions League, the team that finishes third at Bordeaux will be continue in playing the André-Vergauwen-Cup final round.
The aim for RSV Lahn-Dill is beyond doubt to reach the final round tournament of the highest european class, which will take place between April 30th and May 2nd 2010 at the City of Rome in Italy. Host Santa Lucia Sport Rome and the defending champion Galatasaray Istanbul are already qualified.
The second german team that will play the EuroLeague I is the german champion from Zwickau who has to deal with AS Santo Stefano (ITA), Econy Gran Canaria (ESP), CD ONCE Andalucia (ESP) and Hyeres HC (FRA) during its first round. The league will be completed in the third group, where Padua Millenium Baskets (ITA), CD Fundosa ONCE Madrid (ESP), Dream Team Taranto (ITA), Milton Keynes Aces (GBR) and the hosting team CS Meaux compete for the tickets to Rome.
In EuroLeague II the ASV Bonn (at Vienna), the Mainhatten Skywheelers (at Toulouse) and new RBBL-member Roller Bulls St. Vith (at home) complete the german quintet in Europe´s challanges next season. All three teams compete for a qualification for the André-Vergauwen-Cup and the Willi-Brinkmann-Cup finals in 2010.