Not for the faint of heart!

Head coach for Lahn-Dill, Nicolai Zeltinger gave respect to the opposing team when he was quoted saying, "First of all I want to compliment Frankfurt for forcing us to play our hardest and give this game our all. Particularly in the first half where they played outstanding." Later on Nic went on to say, "We made too many errors in the first half defensively, which resulted in too many ball losses."

A special thanks goes out to Walter Enders! Without his help with Dirk Kohler-Lenz’s chair, Dirk would have been unable to continue playing in the first half. Dirk’s confidence and strength on the court have made him invaluable to his team. Teammate, Joey Johnson said, " There is just no stopping him!" Gesche Schuenemann got better and better as she played. She contributed 8 points, played well defensively, and certainly had a hand in this win.

The fifth foul for Lars Lehmann acted as a turning point for Frankfurt. The hosts were down by only 6 points (57:51) when Lars was fouled out. Mikey Paye quickly took advantage of their loss by making a 4 point play; changing Lahn-Dill’s lead to a solid 10 points (61:51). Fans could now take a breather, and have confidence in a win. But of course, the nearly 200 Lahn-Dill fans who traveled to see the game already had shot nerves, and could not force themselves to relax. They continued to cheer wildly, and hold their breath until the very end.

RSV-Magazin Defense