RSV Lahn-Dill’s defense wins them the game against the ‚table-leaders‘, RSC Frankfurt 56:39

The team’s motivation was strong, as already so early in the season there has been talk about Frankfurt’s strength and ability. This fueled the competitiveness and challenge-seeking Lahn-Dill as they proved their skill in their home gym where they have not lost a game since 2003, in front of 1000+ fans. There was a short time where the home team fell behind during a whole 6 minutes where they didn’t score. Although it may have given fans reason to worry, their defence stayed strong and insured the gap to stay manageable.

But shortly before half-time Lahn-Dill had the game completely in their grasp and held on for the remainder. While the fallen table leader, Frankfurt drives to Salzburg, the RSV Lahn Dill must look for its luck on Sunday in Hamburg.

Lahn-Dill: Michael Paye (13/1 Dreier), Dirk Köhler-Lenz (11), Annika Zeyen (10), Joey Johnson (6), Kai Gerlach (4), Thomas Gundert (4), Nicolas Hausammann (4), Markus Legath (2), Gesche Schünemann (2), Marco Zwerger, Jan Kampmann (n.e.).

Frankfurt: Andre Bienek (13), Sebastian Wolk (10), Andreas Kress (8), Lars Lehmann (4), Nora Schratz (2), Björn Wolk (2), Sebastian Arnold, Silke Bleifuß, Bernd Hofscheier, Thomas Holzreiter, Kenon Kahsai, Jörg Wycisk.

RSV-Magazin Defense